The International Academy of Medical Ethics and Public Health was founded in 2016 based on a commitment to an international multidisciplinary reflection in bioethics.  The Academy is focused on the current challenges confronting both private and public interests in the context of families, universities, public institutions, and all levels of government.

The mission of the Academy is to accomplish an ongoing international review of groundbreaking issues in bioethics that can benefit from a diversity of political outlook, culture, and philosophical orientation. The Academy functions as a bilingual center point for these exchanges. Its headquarters are located at the Université René Descartes (Sorbonne Paris Cité).

The Academy’s activities to fulfill its mission:

  1. Facilitates collaborations with Ethics, Medicine and Public Health (Éthiques, medicine et politiques publiques), the official bilingual Elsevier France journal of the Academy. The journal is now entering its third year of publication.  (http://www.journals.elsevier.com/ethics-medicine-and-public-health/)
  2. Organizes seminars to be held in Paris under the auspices of the Academy.
  3. Facilitates collaborations with The International Library of Ethics, Law and the New Medicine (Springer Press). (http://www.springer.com/series/6224)
  4. Will create opportunities for affiliate centers to develop seminars and conferences in cooperation with Paris.

The IAMEPH will continue to work closely with the International Academy of Law and Mental Health on its biannual congresses. (http://ialmh.org/).