Upcoming Conferences
IAMEPH in collaboration with Charles University, Vienna
- Medical Research Ethics, June 30 & July 1, 2020, Prague
* For preliminary program information, please see here
IAMEPH in collaboration with the International Academy of Law and Mental Health, (IALMH)
- XXXVIIth International Congress on Law and Mental Health, IALMH, July 4-9, 2020, Lyon
* For preliminary program information, please see here
Past Conferences
IAMEPH in collaboration with the International Academy of Law and Mental Health (IALMH):
- XXXVIth International Congress on Law and Mental Health, IALMH, July 21-27, 2019, Rome
IAMEPH in collaboration with University Paris Descartes:
- Personhood and Science in the 21st Century, January 7-9, 2019, Paris
*For program information, please see here.
IAMEPH in collaboration with the New York Chaplaincy:
- Medicine and Spirituality: Moving from Hostility to Hospitality, Co-Chairs Rev. Eric Hall and Prof. David N. Weisstub, November 8, 2018, New York Academy of Medicine
*Please see here for the program. Please see here for presentation abstracts.
IAMEPH in collaboration with University Paris Descartes:
- Between Past and Present: History of the Body – Shining a Light on Law, Ethics, and Morality in Medicine , October 12, 2018, Paris
*For program information, please see here.
- Ethical Issues in Child Welfare, June 7, 2018, Paris
*For program information, please see here.
IAMEPH in collaboration with Lehigh University and the Northern Plains Ethics Institute:
- Controversies in Bioethics, April 13-14, 2018, Lehigh University
*For program information, please see here. For abstracts, please see here.
IAMEPH in collaboration with the Centre Interuniversitaire des Saints Pères:
- Raising Awareness about Violations of Scientific and Professional Integrity and their consequences: an Imperative Approach, April 11-12, 2018, Paris
*For program information, please see here.
IAMEPH in collaboration with the Centre Interuniversitaire des Saints Pères:
- Big Data: Ethical and Legal Issues in Research and Clinical Practice , March 19-20, 2018, Paris
*For program information, please see here.
IAMEPH in collaboration with University Paris Descartes and the University of Lausanne:
- The Sale of Blood Products: Precariousness and Vulnerabilities, February 8, 2018, Paris
*For a summary of the conference, please see here.
IAMEPH in collaboration with University Paris Descartes:
- The Challenge of Artificial Intelligence in Medicine, December 13, 2017, Paris
*For a summary of the conference, please see here. For audio recordings of the conference, please visit this site.
IAMEPH in collaboration with the Centre Interuniversitaire des Saints Pères:
- Religious Pluralism, Secularism, and Bioethics – “Loss of the legitimacy of societal authority and necessary reconstruction of a symbolic legitimation”, December 11, 2017, Paris
* For a summary of the conference, please see here. For audio recordings of the conference, please visit this site.
Other involvements
- Presentation by Prof. Christian Hervé: ‘Ethical Commitment in Entrepreneurship: starting today for tomorrow’
*For program information and a transcript of the presentation (French), please see here.